Sunday, January 31, 2016

I get 'way too much E-mail about politics and I am sick of it

Today, I got 103 E-mails.  11 were from Hillary Clinton or Chelsea Clinton or Bill Clinton.  It's nice to see a family working together.  I don't any E-mails from the wives or children of any of the other candidates.  I don't get any E-mails from Frank Fiorina, either.  According to wikipedia, the Mr. and Mrs. Fiorina are worth $59M so he doesn't have to work: he could write E-mails to support his wife.

I got 13 E-mail messages from Bernie Sanders.

 I got 27 E-mails from various Republican candidates which is a little odd because I am a liberal.  The mail servers don't know that, of course.

The remaining E-mails come from various PACs and superPACs that I have never heard of, except for the fact that they send me E-mails.  PACs are interesting: they don't have to report where the money comes from, and they don't have to report where the money goes to.  I'll bet that if somebody sent them a million dollars, they'd damm well know where the money goes, and I'll bet further that whoever got the money would know damm well where the money comes from.  I wouldn't give that kind of money away without some sort of quid pro quo.  Of course, I wouldn't give that money kind of money away unless I actually had that kind of money, which I don't, so that's somewhat moot.

The Citizen's United decision, which sucks, actually makes legal sense to me.  Everybody should have the right to say whatever they want.  If I were to get on a soap box (does anybody know what a soap box is?) on a street corner, I could speak for as loud and as long as I please.  Nobody would ask me who was supporting me, and legally, I don't have to tell them.  First amendment rights are first amendment rights.  Of course, your First Amendment rights also give you the freedom to advocate overthrowing the government by violent means.  Note that you can't legally overthrow the government, but you can advocate it if you want to.  Unfortunately, you have the freedom to say stupid things, which is why we have suffer Donald Trump and Sarah Palin.  But the TV networks and the press are free to apply editorial discretion and not publish that stuff.